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The not needed desire

I feel pain but i will endure it, for i Know pain is the phase that will pass like the joy which just passed. joy will come and go by giving the pain to play with us.  One might say then why to live why not just die if all of these is nothing but a cycle. May be death is not a end it's the beginning of somthing wonderful or may be not but not that i know anything about that.    Why i endure i endure for the art, the game, for my love, for good of the people, for good of my parents and kins.  I believe there is nothing more meaning than art, form doesn't matter. 
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My 2022 Annual Review

Before you begin reading, let's take a look at the why what , and how of this post. If you're already familiar with this topic, feel free to scroll down and jump straight to the questions. What questions? If that's what you're thinking, then read on. It is my first blog post,  it took me a calculated 12hrs 30min in finishing this post and  I have utilized tools like Notion AI and ChatGpt to improve my writing so  I hope you enjoy it .  So, What is "My 2022 Annual Review"? This is something I found when I was listening to the Atomic Habits audiobook (A great book I would encourage everyone to read or listen to) in this we are supposed to look back every year at the end of the year and try to answer these 3 questions : What went well this year? What didn’t go so well this year? What did I learn? While listening to the audiobook "Atomic Habits" on January 27, 2022, I decided to answer the three annual review questions suggested by the auth